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Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:16 pm
by Maverick87Shaka
fatalbert wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:42 pm Question for the mission designer: I'm part of Springfield 1, can we as rotary assets deviate from the route planned for us so we can make better use of terrain masking? Most notably we would skip our waypoint near the city of Al-Dimas and take a valley North of it. Would that impact the mission?
I'm not the mission designer but we've a quick chat with the designer.
There is now technical limitation, to be more specific there is not a trigger with your flight inside a waypoint as event.
So if you'll be on time on your target, it will be fine!

Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:21 pm
by fatalbert
Maverick87Shaka wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:16 pm
fatalbert wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:42 pm Question for the mission designer: I'm part of Springfield 1, can we as rotary assets deviate from the route planned for us so we can make better use of terrain masking? Most notably we would skip our waypoint near the city of Al-Dimas and take a valley North of it. Would that impact the mission?
I'm not the mission designer but we've a quick chat with the designer.
There is now technical limitation, to be more specific there is not a trigger with your flight inside a waypoint as event.
So if you'll be on time on your target, it will be fine!
Copy, thank you! We'll do our best to hit TOT :)

Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 5:27 pm
by karon
NBSMcMilan wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:54 pm Hi, i'm Chevy 1-4 i have look your Zip Plan. I will change my loadout, i will use six MK-60 whithout ami7. Ok for the radio channel 230.025 intraflaight and preset 16 (261.00) human AWACS blue package. If you agree Chevy 1-3 and Chevy 1-4 we will engage target after your explicit order to take action. After this 1-3 and 1-4 we will follow the gide lines of AWACS!
Hi buddy,
negative, stick to the plan. There are too many downsides in taking 6 AIM-54: it's awfully heavy and draggy, and you can't merge with one or both 54s hanging outside the pancake. You can't even employ it reliably in any pilot's mode if any friendly is within miles from the target (the list of downsides is longer, but those give the idea).

About the Commit, use your criteria (the controller did not show up, so I guess he's fine with them). Timeline and default plan have been discussed already. If you have good SA, in superiority vs inferior opponent feel free to banzai. We'll monitor your comms as well of course, so we'll be ready to come and support you if you require assistance, otherwise we'll continue the grinder so have enough separation to do a follow-up attack.

See you later in pit!

Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:17 pm
by Bat
In attesa che sistemi il mio prg in excel , potete vedere le statistiche qui:

Waiting for fix my prg in excel, you can see the statistics here:

Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:20 am
by webber

TACVIEW Download HERE Un saluto cari Piloti,
di seguito potete scrivere i Vostri De-Briefing e FeedBack. A nome di tutta l'amministrazione AF vi ringrazio di cuore per partecipazione(70 Piloti), pazienza e performance. Noi abbiamo fatto molta esperienza per migliorare le prossime operazioni congiunte. Personalmente ho piacere a sottolineare la filosofia open source del progetto/community AF: l'intera struttura è a disposizione per tutti i tipi di proposte( missioni, pianificazione congiunta, addestramenti congiunti, ect). Tra un mese circa spero che saremo di nuovo qui a "infiammare" il forum in occasione della nuova missione.

Il mio De-Briefing:
Ruolo: Tactical Commander C2 ( Gestione CAS per voli Uzi1,Uzi2,Uzi3,Springfield1,Pontiac1 e Pig1)

Io non nascondo che è stata la mia prima esperienza massiva e mi sono reso conto che dovrò studiare molto per la prossima missione. Ringrazio tutti i voli sotto la mia gestione che hanno avuto molta pazienza, a cui faccio anche i più sinceri complimenti per l'abilità di improvvisazione che hanno manifestato. Ci sono stati due momenti critici dopo l'ingress point(FOB alleata): un Mi24 e un Mig21 sono riusciti a entrare in quella che doveva essere la vostra safe zone, a quel punto ho sollecitato entrambi gli awacs per inviare un pacchetto a pulire la zona. Dopo questi momentoi critici tutti i voli hanno mandato avanti la task assegnata con grande maestria. Grazie!

Criticità generali:

1- Troppi Asset in un unica zona?
2- Posizione Zone CAP non idonea a formare corridoio di sicurezza?

Nonostante tutto l'operazione congiunta è stata completata al 100%! Siete stati tutti fantastici!

Greetings dear Pilots,
below you can write your De-Briefing and FeedBack. On behalf of the entire AF administration, I sincerely thank you for your participation (70 drivers), patience and performance. We have had a lot of experience to improve the next joint operations. Personally I am pleased to emphasize the open source philosophy of the AF project / community: the entire structure is available for all types of proposals (missions, joint planning, joint training, etc.). In about a month I hope that we will be back here to "ignite" the forum on the occasion of the new mission.

My De-Briefing:
Role: Tactical Commander C2 (CAS management for Uzi1, Uzi2, Uzi3, Springfield1, Pontiac1 and Pig1 flights)

I do not hide that it was my first massive experience and I realized that I will have to study a lot for the next mission. I thank all the flights under my management who have had a lot of patience, to whom I also offer the most sincere compliments for their improvisation skills. There were two critical moments after the entry point (allied FOB): a Mi24 and a Mig21 managed to enter what was supposed to be your safe zone, at which point I urged both awacs to send a packet to clean the area. After these critical moments, all the flights carried out the assigned task with great skill. Thank you!

General criticalities:

1- Too many assets in one area?
2- Location of CAP ZONE area not suitable for forming a security corridor?

The joint operation was 100% completed! You were all fantastic!

Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:24 am
by Nardax
MISSION DEBRIEFING (Italiano followed by english)

Innanzi tutto un ringraziamento agli ideatori e coordinatori della missione, e poi a tutti i partecipanti. Ecco i miei commenti:
Un lavoro dettagliato è stato fatto nel pianificare una buona deconfliction tra le missioni che arrivavano tutte su un unico punto (Initial Point=il lago), ma non così preciso è stato il discorso per le CAP. Vanno definiti meglio i blocchi a cui devono rimanere in holding prima di essere indirizzati dall’AWACS per il kill, e poi devono rientrare nel blocco. Ho notato molti ingaggi “singoli”: conviene sempre essere in due, uno per coprire chi effettua l’ingaggio, in modo da darsi mutuo supporto, specialmente in un ambiente di gioco così piccolo.
Per il futuro, sarà comunque auspicabile considerare due ingressi delle formazioni basse (I.P.), per evitare ulteriormente ammassamenti.
Avere due AWACS umani è stato determinante per creare un flusso ordinato, anche se poi nella esecuzione ci sono stati problemi dovuti a SRS. Direi di mantenere, se possibile, questo set-up.
Buona la disciplina radio. Iniziata un po “allegra”, è migliorata col passare dei minuti e in fase di scontri ho sentito solo le comunicazioni importanti: un bravo a tutti!
Detto di vari ingaggi 1V1, e premettendo che siamo tutti li per divertirci, non posso non rilevare che c’è stato del disordine “concettuale”. Le missioni hanno un obiettivo, e quello devono portare a termine. Ricordo che nella realtà ci terreste tutti molto alla vostra vita (più che a riportare l’aereo a casa, cosa che comunque piace ai Superiori), per cui una volta fatto il vostro compito, si esce il più in fretta possibile dalla zona di operazioni per vari motivi: primo, come detto, salvare la pelle e non dare occasione a qualche nemico che passa di la di tirarci giù. Secondo: avere meno aerei amici in uno spazio operativo limitato facilita il compito delle nostre CAP e dell’AWACS, che così possono manovrare in modo migliore. Ieri ci sono stati molti conflitti, e alcuni ingaggi non sono stati, correttamente, conclusi perché c’era una possibilità di blue-on-blue troppo elevata. Giusta la decisione di non procedere! Ma così facendo, abbiamo permesso ad un paio di nemici di infilarsi tra le nostre maglie e fare parecchi danni! Ricordo che sganciato il nostro armamento (non CAP), il compito è rientrare. Se nella fase di rientro si è ingaggiati, la prima azione da fare è estendere (full A/B, 0 “G” e chiamata all’AWACS). SE non ci sono CAP amiche nelle vicinanze, se l’AWACS vi avvisa che siete soli e il nemico vi sta raggiungendo, solo allora accettate l’ingaggio. Visto che siamo tutti in formazione, avvisate i vostri gregari, e manovrate almeno a coppia. Vi assicuro e un Mig-21 che si vede due F-18 che gli girano contro con i radar accesi ci pensa due volte prima di venirvi sotto. Se invece reagite da solo, può accettare la sfida (specialmente se già in posizione favorevole) e intignare. Io ieri non ho potuto colpire il secondo bersaglio perché ho avuto un freeze e quando mi sono ripreso, ero a muso basso, 400 piedi e post bruciatore inserito e con un lock nemico. La decisione in quel caso è recuperare il velivolo dallo schianto e poi di disingaggiarsi, a meno che l’obiettivo non sia determinante per altri che passano dopo. Intendo che se fosse successo sul mio primo obiettivo, che era il SAM-9 che avrebbe poi potuto colpire i 3 velivoli che arrivavano sulle piste, allora avrei dovuto intignare e magari rischiare di beccarmi il missile dopo aver lanciato. Se succede sul target secondario che è ininfluente, la vostra vita e l’integrità dell’aereo vengono prima. Abituiamoci a prendere le decisioni ricordando questo. Lo so che avere due AIM-9 e due 120 ci fa sentire tutti John Wayne, ma non succede questo nella realtà. Lasciamolo fare a chi ha il task da sceriffo!
In generale, bella missione e obiettivo raggiunto (il palazzo reale è stato preso!).


First of all, let me thank all the planners and coordinators for the great job done, and then all participant for the exciting mission!
A geat work has been done in planning the de-confliction for the mission that had a unique entry point (Initial Point over the lake), but not the same was done for our CAP. We will need to better define the altitude blocks where fighters need to stay for their holdings waiting for AWACS engagement order, and after the engagement they need to go back in that holding area. I noticed many 1V1 engagement: it is advised to always fly as pair, to provide mutual support once one is engaging, in particular in a small operational area as yesterday night.
In future, we will have, anyhow, to consider two entry points for the low level missions, to reduce traffic jams!
Finally, having two AWACS grately facilitated the flow of action, eventhough there were problems with SRS radios and we could not do all as was planned.

There wa s agood radio discipline, even if at the beginning it was a little too “loose”! But while time was passing, it got better and in the hot moments I found only important radio calls were done, so “well done” everybody!
Said of the 1V1 enggements, and highlighting we are all there to have fun, I need to point to the fact that there were some conceptual mistakes. All missions have a specific mission order, and that is the aim of the flight. I want to stress that in the real world we would all care A LOT about our lives (more than bringing home our jet, thing that is mostrly appreciated by our leaders!), therefore once you accomplish your task, get the hell out of there as quickly as possible for many reasons: firstly, as said, save your skin and bring back the jet and don’t give the opportunity to an enemy crossing that area to target you. Secondly, having fewer friendly aircraft in the operational arean facilitates the job of CAPs and AWACS, thaht can maneuvre in a better way . Yesterday there were many conflicts with friendly aircrafts, and correctly some engagemets were not concluded to avoid fratricide. Good decision not to procede! But by doing so, we have allowed a couple enemies to penetrate our formations and we lost some jets. I want to remind that once you deliver your ordinances, your task is to go home! If on your way back you are engaged, the first thing to do is RUN! (full afterburner, zero “G”, call AWACS saying you are under engage). If there are no friendly fighters available and AWACS advise you you are alone and the enemy is closing up, only then you accept the engagement. But since we have a formation, call your wingman and defend as a section, as a minimum. Rest assured that a MIG-21 will think twice about pressing in if he sees a pair of F-18 with active radar pointing at him. If he sees you alone, and he is probably in a better position, he will come for a kill. Yesterday I could not hit my secondary target ecause I got a freeze and when out of it I found myself 400 feet, nose down, burner in and a lock by an enemy. The decision in thaht case was to recover the plane and then disengage. Had that been my priority target (SAM-9 thaht could have hit the following 3 jets), only then I hould have recovered and pressed with the attack, risking to be hit after weapon release, but that is a risck you have to take. For the secondary target, your life and aircraft intergrity come first. Let get used to take this kind of decisions, the game will be more interesting and fun. I know that carring two AIM-9 and 2 AIM-120 gives us the senso of being John Wayne, but resist the temptation and let the CAP play that game!
Overall great mission, task accomplished (the palace was taken!).

Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 11:31 am
by karon
Hey folks!
Quick debriefing, I'll put together a more detailed one later on Google Drive so I can easily embed images and whatnot. I recorded the whole thing but I doubt anyone's interested so I don't plan to put together a video.

**** CHEVY 1-1: F-14 CAP North (CVN73) ****

In primis thanks for organizing the mission, the server did its job amazingly besides a couple of occasions (such as a couple of triggers that kicked in and the initial mass-join). Props to Eagle Dynamics as well, it looks like that the recently released improvements to the netcode are actually good.

The biggest issue of the mission, as mentioned yesterday in TS, was the size. This mission was too small and packed but this is an issue intrinsic with the format of the reservation (open number, FIFO). We can't expect the designers to update it constantly as the number increases of course. There are solutions to this, for example capping the number of players or closing the slots a few days before the op, so they have time to adjust the mission.
The number of tightly packed aircraft resulted in us being committed to hostile a couple of times and not being able to shoot due to traffic. There were other CAPs in our track stomping on each other's foot very often. Non committed / targeted aircraft should not engage hostiles assigned to others, it's just a massive waste of fuel otherwise. Actually, if we employed following our timeline on the target directed by the controller, we would have killed some of our allies (you can't tell a FOX-3 which squirrel to chase).

In terms of the actual experience, we had a lot of issues with the CV. We arrived On Station late because the Hornets were on the catapults and apparently following a different schedule (perhaps next time spawn and move out). After they departed the catapults were not working. We had to shuffle around and eventually departed. The considerable delay cost us arriving late on station and also force us to quit DCS as my pilot had plans IRL.
Besides that, the mission was very simple and straightforward: CAP track between two waypoints and sit there until something matched our commit criteria or receiving a task from the controller.
I targeted on two occasions, but in the first one my pilot refused to go down to the deck (probably due to the potential threat of SA-8 and SA-9. With the controller so saturated we did not want to ask him to rely to the other controller and get an update on those). This allowed the leaker to enter the AO, something that should not have happened.
The second occasion was cleaner, I worked out the TA, employed, the AI notched perfectly as it often does so I called missile trashed, followed our (theoretically) agreed contracts (no banzai without superiority) so skated West. Then someone else picked up the target, now low on energy, and finished it.

Funny note on the LINK4A: it's useless even in small missions thanks to the AI, it was even more useless yesterday. God bless the AWG-9!

Long story short:
- thanks for planning and hosting the mission, it wasn't an easy task!
- delays: late on station and eventually causing us to drop mid-flight;
- area too packed and quite a lot of confusion: hostile aircraft on which we were committed were also targeted by others;
- the AIC did his best in a very complex situation, he is also supposed to follow the intercept but ofc he couldn't being just one guy. A mission like yesterday's requires 6-7 controllers minimum;
- top-notch server configuration!

Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 1:00 pm
by witcher
First of all, thanks everyone for the great evening. It has been a blast, can't wait to get in the pit again!

Debriefing Enfield 1-1

Our flight was supposed to do CAP south-east from Beirut. We did our best to takeoff as fragged, and managed to reach our area a couple of minutes earlier than planned. Probably we had it easier because we were the last ones to takeoff from Haifa, but in general I'd say I'm satisfied with the timings we managed to keep.

For the rest of the flight, though, I'm not as satisfied. After the check-in we started flying between the points (I have a doubt here: in the "Planning" section of the website we were assigned to "Orbit 4 and 5", but actually our waypoint 5 was the Haifa airport... so I guess that we were supposed to cover 3 and 4?), of course with a separation between the three of us so that both points were scanned all the time, but we've never been called from Overlord. We got a couple of spikes, one from a MiG-21 and one from a MiG-29, but we were told "continue" from Overlord when reported. During debriefing, having a look at the Tacview, I see that a MiG-21 snagged on the deck below us, but again, we never got the call from Overlord and our antennas were probably pointing too far away to spot him.

After 15 minutes or so, remembering that enemies were supposed to come from east, I changed our plan by treating 3 and 4 as a FEBA and thus establishing a CAP between land and see on the 120-300 track, trying not to cross that line. We continued for the rest of the CAP according to the schedule, then we checked out and RTB. By the way, I missed the Haifa airport and mistakenly landed at Ramat David, a few miles east of Haifa. Hope the politicians won't mind :) But anyway, we ended up doing nothing but flying between points. This may sound good, meaning we've never been in troubles, but on the other hand I had the feeling that something was really wrong in my planning. Of course it's my fault, I should have asked before finding myself in the hot zone. Although never directly in trouble (or at least we thought, since that MiG-21 actually flew right below our noses), other planes were shot down because of my poor planning, so I am to blame for sure.

I would also like to know from Overlord if we did something wrong during our CAP or missed some calls, just to understand how can I improve for my next time.

From a technical point of view I had little issues with FPS and lag, but I got a lot (at least 4 or 5) sudden disconnections from SimpleRadio, so I may probably have missed some communications actually. Maybe Enfield 1-2 and Enfield 1-3 can confirm.

Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 1:37 pm
by drake
Faccio anzitutto i complimenti a pianificazione, organizzazione, piloti ed awacs per l'ottima riuscita della serata nonostante le difficoltà che ciascuno ha sicuramente incontrato nel gestire uno scenario così popolato.

Per COLT-3..alla fine tutto bene, decollati on time con qualche problema di rearming risolto in holding point coordinandoci coi voli in attesa. T/O time sostanzialmente rispettato. Arrivati in zona TGT la tattica era:
n°1 a circa 35 nm dal SA-2 si sgancia dal gruppo e punta il FAN SONG con AGM88C in PB
n°2,3,4 restano in hold @ 35 nm da SA-2 aspettando green light per l'ingress sui target
Il tutto è andato a buon fine. FAN SONG soppresso con 3 minuti di anticipo rispetto al TOT e nei 4 minuti successivi tutti i primary e il 90% dei secondary distrutti.

Abbiamo avuto diversi nails ostili dai MIG, localizzati su SA page e notificati da OVERLORD che ci ha supportato molto bene. Abbiamo sempre deciso di eludere.
Al RTB in zona safe riceviamo nails da MIG-21 ore 6, segnalazione a AWACS e muoviamo subito tutta canna per eludere ma guardando meglio SA page sembrava stesse inseguendo un aereo alleato.. mandiamo 3 e 4 per l'ingaggio A/A. Andato a buon troppo tardi per l'aereo inseguito. Ci dispiace, non ci aspettavamo uno scenario di questo tipo alle ns. spalle e probabilmente non siamo stati sufficientemente reattivi.
Prima del landing perso un aereo per crash PC, gli altri sono andati overhead coordinandosi con altri 2 voli in atterraggio sopra Ramat.

Aspetti che hanno funzionato:
- coordinamento con AWACS e altri voli
- l'idea di separare l'attacco COLT3 in 2 fasi (soppressione radar e distruzione target)
- l'idea di creare 2 corridoi per il deconflitto dei nostri attacchi: ingress (a sud del tratto WPT-3 WPT-4) ed egress (a nord del tratto). In realtà una volta sul target l'area pullulava di aerei siamo affidati alla SA page
- l'idea di armare gli aerei diversificando e fornendo ridondanza (se 1 avesse missato il radar, c'erano 4 e 2 con differente armamento SEAD. Se le CAP fossero andate in difficoltà eravamo autonomi con 2 unità ben equipaggiate A/A):
1 era SEAD+DEAD con AGM88-JSOW
3 era DEAD+ESCORT con MAV-AIM120

Alcune difficoltà riscontrate:
-non siamo stati precisi nel mantenere le holding pianificate sopra la tratta e in generale il volo in formazione è migliorabile
-qualche distrazione su switch di frequenza all'inizio (comunicazione Torre su Awacs..)
-qualcuno ha montato il nuovo ATFLIR riscontrando qualche fastidioso bug che ci ha costretto al reengage (ma solo per pulire completamente l'area)
-col FAN SONG, l'idea era di sganciare 1xAGM88 in PB a 30 nm e ancora, per ridondanza, dopo 10/15 secondi. Normalmente col SA-2 mi aspetto di essere illuminato intorno ai 25 nm e tirato sui 23 nm. Per cui dopo lo sgancio sono andato beaming per dare tempo al AGM-88 di avvicinarsi. Successivamente, 30 sec da impact sarei andato hot sul SA-2 per lasciarmi trackare. In questo modo l'harm l'avrebbe visto e agganciato. Se il lock del SA-2 fosse avvenuto troppo in anticipo mi sarei fatto agganciare e sganciare flankando. Nella realtà SA-2 dopo il primo beam a 24 nm non illuminava, sembrava off..probabilmente la "tattica nemica" era restare nascosti tirando all'ultimo. Per cui ho deciso di puntare "subito" mach 1 verso il SA-2 cercando di attivarlo prima che fosse troppo tardi. Il primo AGM ha missato ma il secondo è andato a segno.."forse" (ma non ho visto RWR) il SA-2 si è attivato all'ultimo, quando ero 17 nm.

Alla prossima missione..e grazie ancora per aver organizzato e pianificato questo evento!


First of all, I congratulate the planning, organization, pilots and awacs for the excellent result of the evening despite the difficulties that everyone has certainly encountered in managing such a crowded scenario.

COLT-3… took off on time with some rearming problems solved in holding point coordinating with other flights. T/O time substantially respected. Once in the TGT area, the tactic was:
n ° 1 at about 35 nm from the SA-2 detaches from the group and points the FAN SONG with AGM88C in PB
n ° 2,3,4 remain holding @ 35 nm from SA-2 waiting for green light for the ingress on the targets

Everything went well. FAN SONG suppressed 3 minutes before the TOT and in the following 4 minutes all primary and 90% of secondary destroyed.

We have had several hostile nails from the MIGs, located on the SA page and notified by OVERLORD who supported us very well. We have always decided to evade.
RTB in the safe area we receive nails from MIG-21 at 6 o'clock, we immediately go afterburn to evade but looking better SA page seemed to be chasing an allied plane .. we decide to send 3 and 4 for the A / A engagement. Successful… but too late for the chased plane. Sorry, we did not expect such a scenario at our six and we probably weren't responsive enough.

Before landing, one plane was lost due to a PC crash, the others went overhead coordinating with 2 other flights landing over Ramat.

Aspects that worked:
- coordination with AWACS and other flights
- the idea of separating the attack into 2 phases (radar suppression and target destruction)
- the idea of creating 2 corridors for deconfliction of our attacks: ingress (south of the WPT-3 WPT-4 track) and egress (north of the section). Actually, once on target, the area was swarming with allied aircraft ... we relied on the SA page
- the idea of arming the aircraft by diversifying and providing redundancy (if 1 had missed the radar, there were 4 and 2 with different SEAD armament. If the CAPS had gone into difficulty we were autonomous with 2 well equipped A/A units):
1 was SEAD + DEAD with AGM88-JSOW
2 was DEAD + SEAD with MAV-JSOW
3 was DEAD + ESCORT with MAV-AIM120
4 was SEAD + DEAD + ESCORT with AGM88-JSOW-AIM120

Some difficulties encountered:
-We were not precise in keeping the holdings planned over the route and in general the formation flight can be improved
-some distraction on frequency switches at the beginning (Tower communication on Awacs ..)
-someone mounted the new ATFLIR and found some annoying bugs that forced us to reengage (but only to completely clean the area)
-with FAN SONG, the idea was to release AGM88 in PB at 30 nm and again, for redundancy, after 10/15 seconds. Normally with SA-2 I expect to be illuminated around 25 nm and pulled to 23 nm. So after the release I went beaming to give the AGM-88 time to get closer. Subsequently, 30 sec from impact I would go hot on the SA-2 to let myself be tracked. That way the harm would see and lock him. If the SA-2 had been locked too early I would have had it locked and un-locked flanking. In reality ... the SA-2 after the first 24 nm beam did not light up, it seemed off .. probably the enemy tactic was to "stay hidden" by shooting on the last time. So I decided to "immediately" point mach 1 towards the SA-2 trying to activate it before it was too late. The first AGM missed but the second...shack it .. "maybe" (but I didn't get confirmation on RWR) the SA-2 activated at the last, when I was 17 nm

See you at the next mission .. and thanks again for organizing and planning this event!

Re: 27-04-21 | Joint Operation | Op. In The Wolf’s Lair

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:23 am
by Bat
Mission statistics attached