ORANGE Flight Questions - BSD

Hello. A bunch of us at BSD will be registering for the RW aircraft in ORANGE flight. We are making our plans for the OP but I have a couple questions regarding ORANGE area:
1) Can we pick up our AT troops from Lakatamia or do we need to load them from the FARP? I noticed there's a pickzone over both areas.
2) Is Lakatamia available for full rearm/refuel/repair services?
3) Where does the mission commander want the AT troops to go in the target areas? Will we need to place a map marker in F10 with 'wpzone' in it, or will there be a CA operator to control them?
4) I see there are two JTAC drones. How can we interact with these for improved SA?
5) Is it possible the Mi-24 could start at the FARPs with the other aircraft? If we don't get any more pilots registered, he will be alone there and will have to wait for the rest of us to arrive before getting started. We also don't have any KA-50s registered yet so we could use an attached escort to and from the FARP.

Thank you for putting this on and inviting us!

Re: ORANGE Flight Questions - BSD

Ciao, ecco le risposte alle tue domande.
1 - puoi caricare le truppe in entrambi i punti da te segnalati , sia alla farp di partenza, sia a Lakatamia ...a tua scelta
2 - si Lakatamia può essere usata come base di rearm , refuel and repair
3 - ho evidenziato sulla mappa allegata le 2 zone che il package arancione deve liberare e difendere dai continui rinforzi inviati dalle basi rosse , finchè non vengono distrutte dalla strike COLT 4 (red pkg)
4 - i JTAC ci sono e sono dedicati solo al vostro volo , potete interagire con essi tramite il menù radio F10 other Designation (MOOSE)
5 - inizialmente il Mi24 partiva dalla farp , come gli altri helos del package. Poi ho provato la missione e mi sono reso conto che il Mi24 ha difficoltà a decollare da una FARP senza una pista corta quando è a pieno carico. Questo è il motivo per cui parte da Lakatamia , ma se volete lo sposto sulla FARP... ditemi voi

ho trovato un piccolo bug che ho sistemato: i Jtac non rimanevano in orbita sulla zona ... sistemato!

Hi, here are the answers to your questions.
1 - you can load the troops both at the departure farp and in Lakatamia your choice
2 - yes, Lakatamia can be used as a base for rearm and refueling
3 - I highlighted on the attached map the 2 areas that the orange package must free and defend from the continuous reinforcements sent by the red bases, until they are destroyed by the strike COLT 4 (red pkg)
4 - the JTACs are there and are dedicated only to your flight, you can interact with them via the radio menu F10 other Designation (MOOSE)
5 - initially the Mi24 started from farp, like the other helos of the package. Then I tried the mission and realized that the Mi24 has a hard time taking off from a FARP without a short runway when fully loaded. This is the reason why it starts from Lakatamia, but if you want I can move it to the FARP ... you decide ....

I found a small bug that I fixed: the Jtacs were not staying in orbit on the area ... fixed!
orange pkg.jpg
orange pkg.jpg (791.38 KiB) Viewed 9867 times

Re: ORANGE Flight Questions - BSD

Thank you for the quick reply! I need to clarify the troops then. Springfield 3 UH-1H will be transporting and placing AT troops. Are you wanting us to pick the positions for the troops to be placed in to ambush the incoming vehicles? If so, how can we stop them from running away after deploying them? As I understand, the map is blind so we will not be able to use Combined Arms to tell them where to go. At BSD, we have a modified version of CTLD that allows us to control where the troops can go using an F10 map marker. They also behave in a more stable mannar with pathfinding. Would providing this version of CTLD to you be of any help?

As for the Mi-24 starting position, I will check with the flight leader and get back to you on that.

Re: ORANGE Flight Questions - BSD

webber wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:26 am Hi, thanks for writing here! The mission designer will reply as soon as possible. I take this opportunity to point out that if you have users who enjoy working from C2 or any other support role, in our missions there are no participation limits for these roles.
We've gotten a handful more pilosts signed up. Can you explain this C2 spot more? It might be beneficial to our guys if I was able to take a Tactical Commander slot to move the AT troops as needed and to be able to command ORANGE package with a bit more Situational Awareness.

Re: ORANGE Flight Questions - BSD

statua wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:25 pm
webber wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:26 am Hi, thanks for writing here! The mission designer will reply as soon as possible. I take this opportunity to point out that if you have users who enjoy working from C2 or any other support role, in our missions there are no participation limits for these roles.
We've gotten a handful more pilosts signed up. Can you explain this C2 spot more? It might be beneficial to our guys if I was able to take a Tactical Commander slot to move the AT troops as needed and to be able to command ORANGE package with a bit more Situational Awareness.
At the end of the reservation table there are two C2 slots. Your guys can book there. Tomorrow we publish the radio mesh, so it is possible that they also have to talk to one CAS flight or two.

Re: ORANGE Flight Questions - BSD

Eagle wrote: Sat Oct 16, 2021 7:16 am Ciao, ecco le risposte alle tue domande.
1 - puoi caricare le truppe in entrambi i punti da te segnalati , sia alla farp di partenza, sia a Lakatamia ...a tua scelta
2 - si Lakatamia può essere usata come base di rearm , refuel and repair
3 - ho evidenziato sulla mappa allegata le 2 zone che il package arancione deve liberare e difendere dai continui rinforzi inviati dalle basi rosse , finchè non vengono distrutte dalla strike COLT 4 (red pkg)
4 - i JTAC ci sono e sono dedicati solo al vostro volo , potete interagire con essi tramite il menù radio F10 other Designation (MOOSE)
5 - inizialmente il Mi24 partiva dalla farp , come gli altri helos del package. Poi ho provato la missione e mi sono reso conto che il Mi24 ha difficoltà a decollare da una FARP senza una pista corta quando è a pieno carico. Questo è il motivo per cui parte da Lakatamia , ma se volete lo sposto sulla FARP... ditemi voi

ho trovato un piccolo bug che ho sistemato: i Jtac non rimanevano in orbita sulla zona ... sistemato!

Hi, here are the answers to your questions.
1 - you can load the troops both at the departure farp and in Lakatamia your choice
2 - yes, Lakatamia can be used as a base for rearm and refueling
3 - I highlighted on the attached map the 2 areas that the orange package must free and defend from the continuous reinforcements sent by the red bases, until they are destroyed by the strike COLT 4 (red pkg)
4 - the JTACs are there and are dedicated only to your flight, you can interact with them via the radio menu F10 other Designation (MOOSE)
5 - initially the Mi24 started from farp, like the other helos of the package. Then I tried the mission and realized that the Mi24 has a hard time taking off from a FARP without a short runway when fully loaded. This is the reason why it starts from Lakatamia, but if you want I can move it to the FARP ... you decide ....

I found a small bug that I fixed: the Jtacs were not staying in orbit on the area ... fixed!
Mi-24's will take the FARP with the other helicopters please.

I'm sorry but I don't think I got an answer about the AT troops. Will someone be able to control them after they're dropped so they can be positioned for defense?

Re: ORANGE Flight Questions - BSD

statua wrote: I'm sorry but I don't think I got an answer about the AT troops. Will someone be able to control them after they're dropped so they can be positioned for defense?
Only players in tactical commander (C2) can move those troops. The role of C2 is bookable, the slots are at the bottom of the table. If no player books that role on a mission, no one will move those troops. By the way, we forgot to enter the name in the table. The callsigns will be Coral and Dragon.

Re: ORANGE Flight Questions - BSD

webber wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 5:39 am
statua wrote: I'm sorry but I don't think I got an answer about the AT troops. Will someone be able to control them after they're dropped so they can be positioned for defense?
Only players in tactical commander (C2) can move those troops. The role of C2 is bookable, the slots are at the bottom of the table. If no player books that role on a mission, no one will move those troops. By the way, we forgot to enter the name in the table. The callsigns will be Coral and Dragon.
Statua I switched to the tactical commander to support your package🥰